All reports and letters issued by Nelson Laboratories, LLC (Nelson Labs), are for the exclusive use of the Sponsor or Client to whom they are addressed. Reports or protocols may not be reproduced except in their entirety. No quotations from reports or use of the corporate name, “Nelson Laboratories, LLC” or any variation thereof, is permitted except as expressly authorized by Nelson Laboratories, LLC, in writing. Protocols are the intellectual property of Nelson Laboratories, LLC. Protocols are issued to our Sponsors or Clients for review and input into the services that we provide. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Clients may submit Nelson Labs opinion memos, test protocols, and test reports used in the conduct of the Service, in their entirety or in excerpts, to the US FDA and other regulatory agencies or notified bodies as reasonably necessary to fulfill Client’s business objectives, and may reference “Nelson Laboratories, LLC” as the author of such report in conjunction with such submission.
Clients may share or use the Nelson Labs test report, in its entirety, with notified bodies, regulatory agencies, clients, prospective clients, or for general marketing purposes. Clients may not share Protocols without written approval from Nelson Labs. General guidelines:
- Nelson Labs test reports should be reproduced in their entirety (provides full context to the study).
- Clients who post Nelson Labs test reports on a public domain or web site should direct reviewers of the document to contact the client company, not the lab, as Nelson Labs will not discuss test results with unauthorized third parties.
- Use of the corporate name, “Nelson Laboratories, LLC” or any variation thereof, is not permitted except as expressly authorized by Nelson Laboratories, LLC, in writing.
Additional information on our service terms and conditions can be found at: